
Sci fi roblox war groups
Sci fi roblox war groups

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Separatists ships vary greatly in their discrete designs with ships being designed and mass produced from different allies in the Trade Federation such as the Munificent, Recusant, and Providence line Separatist ships primarily utilized a grey-like blue color scheme. With an extensive alliance of trade corporations and different star systems pledged to support the Separatist cause, their influence grows in the numbers through diplomacy or force, often rooting out the resistances that sought planetary independence or neutrality from Separatist influence. The Confederacy of Independent Systems, also called the Separatist Alliance, are the secessionist movement that broke away from the Galactic Republic towards the start of the Clone Wars, formed from the growing dissatisfaction with the Republic.

sci fi roblox war groups

Though almost all ships featured in the tech tree are Clone War era ships, there are a few designs like the Hammerhead-class that dates back many centuries from the Old Republic. Later ships such as the Liberator and Chancellor are more suited for capital-capital ship engagements. The Venator-class Star Destroyer for example, offers a very versatile game play, being able move faster than any other ship of its size and durable to hold on its own against enemy ships while overwhelming their enemies with its compliment of ARC-170s and and Y-Wing bombers. Republic ships are known for their balance in speed, maneuverability and toughness, being versatile in every way. This unique design would continue in service with the Galactic Empire. Most ships have a dagger-like design dating back as early as the Sith Wars, later becoming a common ship design on almost all Republic ships during the Clone Wars. Republic ships primarily utilize a grey or white and red color scheme. Notably, they have a galactic parliament which consists of elected representatives that represent their respected star system and also elect supreme chancellor to guide the Republic in times of peace and war. It's an iconic faction, with its rich history spanning around 1000 years and a political and electoral system nearly identical to some of our real life republic governments. The Galactic Republic, or simply known as the Republic was a galaxy-wide union comprising of thousands of star systems across the galaxy. Few high-end ships like the Onager-class Star Destroyer are given their own fleet killing superweapons and powerful carriers such as the Lucrehulk are more than capable of deploying groups of fighters at a moment's notice. Certain ships boast a different mix of weaponry, employing missiles, shield stripping ion cannons and powerful broadside cannons. All Star Wars ships are shielded and have a modest amount of health, this is complemented by their fast firing turbolasers and laser cannons which act as their main and sometimes only armament. Each faction has it's own general playstyle and are not subjected to any particular special or exotic weapon types, but it is the unique characteristics of each faction that properly defines their playstyle. There are currently 4 factions in the Star Wars tech tree, they are the Galactic Republic, the Separatist Alliance (CIS), the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance (which later became the New Republic). There are, however, several ships that alone, stand out among their peers and are noted as special mention. However, it is noted that the capital and carrier line of the tech tree is where Star Wars ships tends to shine the most, with famous ships such as the Imperial I and Imperial II Star Destroyer classes and the famous Venator being all but a few examples. Each ship has it's own playstyle, following the doctrine of the faction that commissioned them, with the overall statement for the franchise being an "all rounder" type of gameplay. In-game, every Star Wars ship, regardless of being a support or capital, is armed with turbolasers, lasers and occasionally, missiles such as Proton Torpedoes and Concussion Missiles. Star Wars is an American Sci-fi franchise and the most well known of the three franchises in game, featuring iconic ships from two eras in the Star Wars Universe, spanning from the galaxy changing Clone Wars of the late-Republic Era to those troubling times during the Galactic Civil War of the Imperial Era to even the Cold War of the New Republic-First Order Era.

Sci fi roblox war groups